pay-what-you-want poetry
From $25.00
custom piece: give me details & I'll write you a poem, or enter the text you want
From $60.00
custom wall decor 5.5 by 6 inches
From $37.00
custom wall decor 4 by 6 inches
From $32.00
rumi, do you know what you are
From $40.00
fuck the patriarchy
From $30.00
I am so lucky to know you greeting card
Regular price $6.00
everything I am you helped me to become
From $26.00
custom wall decor 2 by 4 inches
vincent van gogh, for my part
From $35.00
george eliot, loving my mother's face
qiu jin, don't tell me women are not the stuff of heroes
dalai lama, be kind whenever possible
thanks for putting up with my bullshit
vincent van gogh, normality is a paved road
be so kind to yourself
eleanor roosevelt, no one can make you feel inferior without your consent
george eliot, make life less difficult for each other
mary white ovington, these are difficult days but there is always hope