pay-what-you-want poetry
From $25.00
custom piece: give me details & I'll write you a poem, or enter the text you want
From $60.00
I cherish you, bitch
From $30.00
custom wall decor 5.5 by 6 inches
From $37.00
custom wall decor 4 by 6 inches
From $32.00
fuck the patriarchy
I am so lucky to know you greeting card
Regular price $6.00
everything I am you helped me to become
From $26.00
custom wall decor 2 by 4 inches
you're so fucking cool greeting card
here's the thing: fuck everyone
thanks for putting up with my bullshit
zoe branch, old plants
From $40.00
toxic masculinity ruins the party again
fuck yeah
be so kind to yourself
brb spiraling button
From $3.50
aristotle, friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies
nolite te bastardes carborudorum
From $35.00